Congratulations to the winners of the ‘MY HISPANIC ROOTS, MY AMERICAN DREAM’ Seventh Annual Young Latino Writers’ Essay Contest.

As one of several activities to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Conexión Américas invited young writers to participate in the 7th annual Young Latino Writers’ Essay Contest. These young Latino writers shared their stories addressing the theme “My Hispanic Roots, My American Dream.”

Grand Prize:

Araceli Crescencio, Cane Ridge High School

The daughter of Mexican immigrants born in the United States, Araceli shares her dream to give voice to the Hispanic community. In her own words:

All through my life I have seen the evils of poverty, the wickedness of ambition, and the necessity for education. I have been imprinted as a Mexican American, educated in public school as an American, and at home been inculcated with the Mexican culture, that is one that perseveres and does not give in to adversity and endures. I have been raised to dream high, and educated to know that in order to reach those dreams one must take action, and not just aspire for something, but instead work for it.

Runners Up:

Carmen del Milagro Bolaño Quintana, John Overton High School

Carmen shares the heart wrenching story of her family fleeing oppression and isolation as resisters of the Castro government in Cuba.

Ricardo Mendez, Martin Luther King Jr. Highschool

Ricardo speaks of the advantages of being raised in two worlds and how the best of both inspires and motivates him.