As the face of Conexión Américas, Elizabeth Almaraz, Information and Referral Liaison, goes above and beyond to create a welcoming space and support her community with information.

“I love being able to provide a welcoming space where people are not afraid to ask questions or ask for help,” she said.

Elizabeth spends her day providing resources on topics ranging from housing to legal access, attending community meetings in the Mayor’s Office on behalf of Conexión Américas, and greeting community members coming to Casa Azafrán.

Elizabeth stays informed about immigration policies and speaks out as an advocate and voice for her community.

This year, Elizabeth shared her story publicly at Conexión Américas’ Cafecito and at her graduation of My City Academy.

“It made me feel like I was making a difference and helping speak up for the constantly growing Nashville community. People actually heard me, heard us,” she said. Speaking to policy makers, she urges them to support Latino futures by creating a pathway for Dreamers and policies to keep families together.

As a graduate of My City Academy and member of the Mayor’s New Americans Advisory Council, she has learned from the diversity of perspectives in Nashville and encourages others to do the same. “I encourage you to meet with someone who is different, learn about their story, about their dreams and passions,” Elizabeth shared.

“Lend a listening ear and when the opportunity comes to help out or support an organization with that cause or helping families, I want you to participate, donate, teach, support, learn and be an advocate!”