My name is Monica and I’m from Barranquilla, Colombia. I’ve been in Nashville for almost 2.5 years. I came with my son, and I didn’t speak any English before I got here.

In my country I studied Fashion Design “Diseñadora de Modas”. I really wanted to learn English when I arrived so that I could validate my degree in this country and study Interior Design.

My goals were and are to work in this field and someday hopefully have my own company. I found English classes at Conexion Americas 2 years ago.

When I came I began in level 1 and now I have a level of English that I can actually speak with people and understand what they’re saying to me, even though sometimes I am missing some vocabulary. These English classes are so important for me.

I’m living in a new country and I HAVE TO speak. I have had such great teachers and the dynamic classes have been wonderful and very practical. I’m also happy to say that now I can actually help my son with homework without having to translate everything.

These classes have helped so much in that aspect. For someone thinking about taking English classes, it is the best way for you to learn to communicate easily with someone who speaks English. These classes will help you learn to use English like I did. I’m able to use it with my family, at work, with friends…anywhere.

Right now, apart from taking English classes, I am also doing my Hi-Set [high school equivalency exam] because I want to continue studying at university to get certified in the degree I studied back home.

Thank you times a million because this organization, and these English classes have helped me so much to communicate, and now I feel that I am able to realize my dreams here in the United States.